Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mr. McClung's Message

This was a great read, from the beginning Mr.McClung recounts his nervousness and how he learned to deal with it. It just goes to show that no matter how much you think you are prepared, you just do not know how you will react until you put yourself out there. Mr. McClung is entirely correct that you have to be willing to talk and get to know your fellow teacher/workers and your students. My favorite teacher was my fourth grade teacher because she talked to us as if we mattered.
I thought it was great that Mr. McClung has such a positive attitude, he will be remember by a lot of children. And about all this new technology, if I can do it, anyone can do it. And remember what Mr. McClung said at the end, we work in a learning environment, so why not soak up as much knowledge as you can?

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